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Friday, July 20, 2012


     One of the biggest money wasters in the dollhouse world is wallpaper. You can buy a package of 18 or 21 assorted patterns for $9.99 at least (not guaranteeing that you would like them), or you could buy a single pattern for $5.99 - $12.99 depending on the designer (not guaranteeing enough to cover your room completely, depending on the room size). As you can see, I can not afford this option, but I have put together a list of options for you.
  • 1 - Printing your own Designs
    • A very popular alternative is to find a design online that you like and then print it. You could also put a background on a Microsoft Word document if you like any of those and print that out.
    • Some problems with printing is the paper may be soggy because of the ink on the flimsy paper, but there are many types of paper out there, so this might not be a problem. But what is a problem is when you put it on the wall, there are more edges to match up because the paper is not very big. This may be a problem if you want the walls to look more like a real house, because actual wallpaper doesn't have that many seams.
  • 2 - Scrapbooking Paper
    • By far my favorite method. Most crafters already have scrapbooking paper, and if you don't it's usually pretty cheap (mine was 49 cents a sheet). It feels like modern wallpaper, and comes in every design imaginable, so it's a great option for a realistic "now" house.
  • 3 - Stenciling
    • On design shows I always see someone tape out a design or use a wall stencil to paint a design onto a wall. This option is the cheapest if you already have paint, and could end up being the most creative. You could also freehand it, but I'm way too big of a chicken to do that.

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